Hello there! Today I would like to show You my remix of Ada Szulc & Dj Adamus song called ‘1000 Miejsc’
OK! Ladies and Gentleman! I’ve decide to post some of the tracks I’ve been working on last month! So from now on You will hear some good R&B / Urban shit regularly! The first track I made with my friends: singer Martyna Nocek and writer/singer Milena Amina Krzemińska. Have fun listening!
Hey! Whats good! I just add new music player in ‘Music’ section! You can now buy exclusive license to my music directly from here! More beats soon!
Hello! Welcome to my brand new web site! Its been a long time since my last moves, but from now on You will see here much more interesting things than ever! Be ready for new music, beatmaking videos, tutorials and others!
Best, Teka!
From now on You can download totally for free my last album called ‘Talent’. It is in deluxe version, with new tracks and remixes included.